Friday, October 26, 2012

Cloning of Humans

My main research question will be “To what extent should we allow cloning (at right) of humans?” I will be specifically focusing on humans and not other animals. I will also try to explore the idea of whether cloning is ethical or not. There are many opinions    and insights of this stance and a major reason we have not already legalized cloning is because of the peoples’ ethical stances on it. So the idea of whether or not it is ethical is very important and must be addressed. Since it is a very controversial topic so I know I will be able to get a good amount of information from many cites. I will try to stick to cites that have a more medical focus on them as to get information that is credible and not just completely opinion. There are many questions that will arise because subject such as: What kind of cloning? Where will the money come from for cloning? Is this ethical? What people are eligible for cloning? What is the point of cloning? Is it against religion to clone? And several other questions. Hopefully I will be able to answer these with the information I get. As a student studying in the medical field I find cloning very interesting and very amazing. The idea of copying a human being into an exact replica is very astounding. The medial gain the human race would get by doing this could save lives and if we can clone a human being, who’s to say we can’t clone body parts? We could use the body part for people who need a kidney, heart or brain. Just clone the body part and use it, we would be able to save COUNTLESS lives. No more deaths because of being too low on the transplant list or not having a match. There is also an idea that people have addressed before that we could make clones of ourselves and use their body parts if we need them. Of course this is a very controversial idea and seems very unethical but it brings up the thought of would the clones feel anything such as emotions? Would we truly be able to clone the human completely down to emotions, memories and senses? Also would the clone feel the same as their original person? Would they be able to remember everything their original person has done and feel what they feel and be able to live their life after they die? That thought brings up a complete other controversy of if people were intended to live forever. I love this topic because it has endless information and is a very interesting topic!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of good questions within your main inquiry. As you point out, you should have no trouble finding sources. Your best bet will be searching in the library databases so that you can find scientific opinions on the issue, rather than general opinions floating around the internet.

    As your project progresses you might end up narrowing this inquiry. For example, maybe you will become interested in the possible benefits to cloning and focus on that. I see many different directions that this project could go.
